still wrapped in the early morning’s deep slumber
she walked into the somber space, the scent of fresh coffee circulating around her
the familiar exchange of smiles against the peaceful early morning ambiance
that comforting sense of his arm around her, pulling her in
standing beside her, proud, suddenly took her over
she could feel the weight of his arm, the expansion of proud chest
his lips pressed gently, momentarily against her forehead
receiving the memory as if were still true
it sat within her juxtaposed against the squelching in her chest
the slippery sidewalks training her away from reaching out for his hand, no longer there
taking her away from the path of their long walks
where worlds unfolded against summer afternoons and warm starlight evening skies
coffees in hand, trying to be discrete about their grinning faces
one foot in front of the other, the thin ice faintly whispered to her
indeed, is how every journey must be travelled
whatever company we hold
stepping off the sidewalk, coffee in hand, no arm around her, smile on her lips, knowing
the things we leave behind make room for the best that is yet to come